As a crop producer, it is more important than ever to start thinking about how to improve biosecurity on your farm. While we continue to deal with established pests, a warming climate will likely lead to the introduction of new crop pests in future years. There are some simple practices that you can implement to protect your crop from outside pests, as well as methods to prevent the spread of pests already established on your farm. This page houses a variety of factsheets, checklists and resources with crop biosecurity recommendations that are relevant to a broad range of crop producers.
Nursery Crop Production
If you manage a nursery production system, there are several practices listed in this factsheet that can be implemented to prevent the entry of pathogens into your nursery crop and to ensure your crop is healthy, resilient, and better able to resist pests of concern.
Scouting Tips
Scouting your crop is an important tool in pest management. It is much easier to properly manage a potential pest problem if it is identified early. This sheet will outline some advice to consider when monitoring your crop throughout the season.
Combine Use
These tips should be considered by combine operators especially those who does custom work. Combine operators should do their best to try and reduce the chances of transporting pests from one property to another.
Crop Health Management
This sheet outlines methods that growers can implement to prevent the introduction, establishment and spread of crop pests on their farm.
Grain Storage
If you have grain storage on your property this resource will list tips for maintaining the quality of your stored grain.
Greenhouse Management
Greenhouses are closed systems and most pest issues arise from outside sources. Under this link you will find methods to prevent pests from entering and establishing in your greenhouse.
Pick-your-own operations involve multiple people from various locations and backgrounds entering your property. This factsheet will provide tips on how to maintain biosecurity on your farm while running a pick-your-own operation.
Biosecure Farm Site and Layout
On-Farm Water Management Related to Biosecurity
Controlled and Restricted Access
Identifying Potential Farm Site Cross Contamination Areas
Controlling Flow
Maintaining cleanliness and the structure of your facilities (buildings and property) will help prevent pests from becoming established on your farm. This factsheet will highlight some tips on maintaining your facilities in relation to biosecurity.
Staying Biosecure Off-Farm
Humans can be carriers of pests via clothing, footwear, and vehicles. When traveling off farm or in the case that you must visit another farm consider these tips to prevent bringing pests back to your farm.
Rodent Control
Rodents are attracted to sheltered facilities (such as barns and sheds), especially those which provide a potential food source. It is best to keep rodents in check as they will cause damage to property and can carry diseases. This sheet will provide tips on how to prevent rodent infestation on your farm.
Tips for Signage
Not everyone is aware of biosecurity protocols. Signage will help inform farm visitors and remind workers of what biosecurity measures are in place and where entry is restricted. This sheet will list some considerations when selecting or designing signage for biosecurity.
Tools and Equipment
Tools and equipment that are not cleaned or sanitized properly between blocks/fields can transmit pests around your farm or to other farms. Refer to tips in this factsheet to learn how to prevent your equipment from being a source of contamination.
Tips for traffic on and off farm
Pests can be transported on vehicles, which is why it’s important to understand and manage how traffic moves on and off your farm. Here you will find tips on how to manage traffic on and off your farm to reduce the chances of introducing and spreading pests.
If you are looking to learn more about how to better your farm’s biosecurity protocol, we have provided a list of excellent resources to look into.
National Biosecurity Standards and Principles for Crops
CFIA has developed biosecurity standards and guidance for producers of various crop commodities across Canada. These are recommendations on how growers can proactively reduce the chances of having pests introduced and spread throughout their farm. There are relevant links for the following commodities: Grain and oilseed, potato, greenhouse, nursery and floriculture and the fruit and tree nut sector.
Biosecurity Tips for Walking Farm Fields
An article in field crop news (OMAFRA), extremely relevant to agronomists and crop scouts, or anyone who sees themselves visiting different farms. This article outlines how to prevent yourself from transporting pests from field to field.
Biosecurity Calculator for the Grains and Oilseeds Industry
A questionnaire designed for the grains and oilseed sector but also has relevance to other commodities. This 15-minute survey will ask you about various practices on your farm and will assess where you can better your biosecurity.
Combine Cleaning
Instructions for combine operators on how to properly clean out your combine to minimize the spread of pests. Very relevant for custom combine operators.
Biosecurity is Important in Horticulture Crops Too
Vegetable specialist, Rosalie Gillis-Madden put together a factsheet specific to horticulture crop growers outlining suggestions to minimize the risk of introducing or spreading pests on your farm.
Agricultural Weed Control & Apple Maggot Control
Information on the Nova Scotia Agricultural Weed Control Act and associated regulations as well as what weeds are labelled “noxious” in Nova Scotia. Details on the Apple Maggot Inspection Program and Prevention and Control of Apple Maggot regulations.
Bird Control in Horticulture Crops
A resource from OMAFRA that identifies problem bird species and discusses various control methods to prevent or reduce bird damage on crops.
Compost – Basics of On-Farm Composting
The government of New Brunswick put together a factsheet outlining pertinent information, methods and recommendations for farmers who are interesting in composting. Composting is an effective way to break down organic materials into a product that can be used to improve crop land (source of nutrients and improved organic matter for example). It is important to follow correct procedures when composting to ensure the outcome is a high quality product free of pathogens.